the future


Growing up I always had one goal. To end up living in the golden state – California. I’m not really sure why, it was just always something I thought about. I am a huge Disneyland lover and have always imagined that I am meant to live by the sea. So naturally California was the destination for me. It wasn’t until I moved around a couple times that I decided it may not be my destiny after all.

In the last year I have had my sights set on the Pacific Northwest – Seattle in particular. Having never been there my friends and family didn’t understand why I would want to be somewhere that I really didn’t know much about. Last month I was able to visit with my Mom & sister and can now say why I think it’s the place for me. It has the city life that I’ve grown to love, it’s pretty much in the sea, the culture fascinates me and it is the home of Nordstrom. (Need I say more? – ha ha) Obviously I still have much to learn but for now I hope you enjoy a little bit of Seattle through my eyes. xx


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